Tutorial: A tornado server in Python

Perspective ships with a pre-built Tornado handler that makes integration with tornado.websockets extremely easy. This allows you to run an instance of Perspective on a server using Python, open a websocket to a Table, and access the Table in JavaScript and through <perspective-viewer>. All instructions sent to the Table are processed in Python, which executes the commands, and returns its output through the websocket back to Javascript.

Python setup

Make sure Perspective and Tornado are installed!

pip install perspective-python tornado

To use the handler, we need to first have a Server, a Client and an instance of a Table:

import perspective

SERVER = perspective.Server()
CLIENT = SERVER.new_local_client()

Once the server has been created, create a Table instance with a name. The name that you host the table under is important — it acts as a unique accessor on the JavaScript side, which will look for a Table hosted at the websocket with the name you specify.

TABLE = client.table(data, name="data_source_one")

After the server and table setup is complete, create a websocket endpoint and provide it a reference to PerspectiveTornadoHandler. You must provide the configuration object in the route tuple, and it must contain "perspective_server", which is a reference to the Server you just created.

from perspective.handlers.tornado import PerspectiveTornadoHandler

app = tornado.web.Application([

    # ... other handlers ...

    # Create a websocket endpoint that the client JavaScript can access
    (r"/websocket", PerspectiveTornadoHandler, {"perspective_server": SERVER, "check_origin": True})

Optionally, the configuration object can also include check_origin, a boolean that determines whether the websocket accepts requests from origins other than where the server is hosted. See Tornado docs for more details.

JavaScript setup

Once the server is up and running, you can access the Table you just hosted using perspective.websocket and open_table(). First, create a client that expects a Perspective server to accept connections at the specified URL:

import "@finos/perspective-viewer";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid";
import perspective from "@finos/perspective";

const websocket = await perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");

Next open the Table we created on the server by name:

const table = await websocket.open_table("data_source_one");

table is a proxy for the Table we created on the server. All operations that are possible through the JavaScript API are possible on the Python API as well, thus calling view(), schema(), update() etc. on const table will pass those operations to the Python Table, execute the commands, and return the result back to JavaScript. Similarly, providing this table to a <perspective-viewer> instance will allow virtual rendering:

const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");
viewer.style.height = "500px";
await viewer.load(table);

perspective.websocket expects a Websocket URL where it will send instructions. When open_table is called, the name to a hosted Table is passed through, and a request is sent through the socket to fetch the Table. No actual Table instance is passed inbetween the runtimes; all instructions are proxied through websockets.

This provides for great flexibility — while Perspective.js is full of features, browser WebAssembly runtimes currently have some performance restrictions on memory and CPU feature utilization, and the architecture in general suffers when the dataset itself is too large to download to the client in full.

The Python runtime does not suffer from memory limitations, utilizes Apache Arrow internal threadpools for threading and parallel processing, and generates architecture optimized code, which currently makes it more suitable as a server-side runtime than node.js.