PerspectiveWidget for JupyterLab

Building on top of the API provided by perspective.Table, the PerspectiveWidget is a JupyterLab plugin that offers the entire functionality of Perspective within the Jupyter environment. It supports the same API semantics of <perspective-viewer>, along with the additional data types supported by perspective.Table. PerspectiveWidget takes keyword arguments for the managed View:

from perspective.widget import PerspectiveWidget
w = perspective.PerspectiveWidget(
    plugin="X Bar",
    aggregates={"datetime": "any"},
    sort=[["date", "desc"]]

Creating a widget

A widget is created through the PerspectiveWidget constructor, which takes as its first, required parameter a perspective.Table, a dataset, a schema, or None, which serves as a special value that tells the Widget to defer loading any data until later. In maintaining consistency with the Javascript API, Widgets cannot be created with empty dictionaries or lists — None should be used if the intention is to await data for loading later on. A widget can be constructed from a dataset:

from perspective.widget import PerspectiveWidget
PerspectiveWidget(data, group_by=["date"])

.. or a schema:

PerspectiveWidget({"a": int, "b": str})

.. or an instance of a perspective.Table:

table = perspective.table(data)

Updating a widget

PerspectiveWidget shares a similar API to the <perspective-viewer> Custom Element, and has similar save() and restore() methods that serialize/deserialize UI state for the widget.