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Perspective is an interactive analytics and data visualization component, which is especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets. Use it to create user-configurable reports, dashboards, notebooks and applications.


  • A fast, memory efficient streaming query engine, written in C++ and compiled for WebAssembly, Python and Rust, with read/write/streaming for Apache Arrow, and a high-performance columnar expression language based on ExprTK.

  • A framework-agnostic User Interface packaged as a Custom Element, powered either in-browser via WebAssembly or virtually via WebSocket server (Python/Node/Rust).

  • A JupyterLab widget and Python client library, for interactive data analysis in a notebook, as well as scalable production applications.





@timkpaine @timbess @sc1f
@texodus @texodus

Data Architecture

Application developers can choose from Client (WebAssembly), Server (Python/Node) or Client/Server Replicated designs to bind data, and a web application can use one or a mix of these designs as needed. By serializing to Apache Arrow, tables are duplicated and synchronized across runtimes efficiently.

Perspective is a multi-language platform. The examples in this section use Python and JavaScript as an example, but the same general principles apply to any Client/Server combination.


For static datasets, datasets provided by the user, and simple server-less and read-only web applications.

In this design, Perspective is run as a client Browser WebAssembly library, the dataset is downloaded entirely to the client and all calculations and UI interactions are performed locally. Interactive performance is very good, using WebAssembly engine for near-native runtime plus WebWorker isolation for parallel rendering within the browser. Operations like scrolling and creating new views are responsive. However, the entire dataset must be downloaded to the client. Perspective is not a typical browser component, and datset sizes of 1gb+ in Apache Arrow format will load fine with good interactive performance!

Horizontal scaling is a non-issue, since here is no concurrent state to scale, and only uses client-side computation via WebAssembly client. Client-only perspective can support as many concurrent users as can download the web application itself. Once the data is loaded, no server connection is needed and all operations occur in the client browser, imparting no additional runtime cost on the server beyond initial load. This also means updates and edits are local to the browser client and will be lost when the page is refreshed, unless otherwise persisted by your application.

As the client-only design starts with creating a client-side Perspective Table, data can be provided by any standard web service in any Perspective compatible format (JSON, CSV or Apache Arrow).

Javascript client

const worker = await perspective.worker();
const table = await worker.table(csv);

const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");
await viewer.load(table);

Client/Server replicated

For medium-sized, real-time, synchronized and/or editable data sets with many concurrent users.

The dataset is instantiated in-memory with a Python or Node.js Perspective server, and web applications create duplicates of these tables in a local WebAssembly client in the browser, synchonized efficiently to the server via Apache Arrow. This design scales well with additional concurrent users, as browsers only need to download the initial data set and subsequent update deltas, while operations like scrolling, pivots, sorting, etc. are performed on the client.

Python servers can make especially good use of additional threads, as Perspective will release the GIL for almost all operations. Interactive performance on the client is very good and identical to client-only architecture. Updates and edits are seamlessly synchonized across clients via their virtual server counterparts using websockets and Apache Arrow.

Python and Tornado server

from perspective import Server, PerspectiveTornadoHandler

server = Server()
client = server.new_local_client()
client.table(csv, name="my_table")
routes = [(
    {"perspective_server": server},

app = tornado.web.Application(routes)
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()

Javascript client

Perspective's websocket client interfaces with the Python server. then replicates the server-side Table.

const websocket = await perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8080");
const server_table = await websocket.open_table("my_table");
const server_view = await server_table.view();

const worker = await perspective.worker();
const client_table = await worker.table(server_view);

const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");
await viewer.load(client_table);


For extremely large datasets with a small number of concurrent users.

The dataset is instantiated in-memory with a Python or Node.js server, and web applications connect virtually. Has very good initial load performance, since no data is downloaded. Group-by and other operations will run column-parallel if configured.

But interactive performance is poor, as every user interaction must page the server to render. Operations like scrolling are not as responsive and can be impacted by network latency. Web applications must be "always connected" to the server via WebSocket. Disconnecting will prevent any interaction, scrolling, etc. of the UI. Does not use WebAssembly.

Each connected browser will impact server performance as long as the connection is open, which in turn impacts interactive performance of every client. This ultimately limits the horizontal scalabity of this architecture. Since each client reads the perspective Table virtually, changes like edits and updates are automatically reflected to all clients and persist across browser refresh. Using the same Python server as the previous design, we can simply skip the intermediate WebAssembly Table and pass the virtual table directly to load()

const websocket = await perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8080");
const server_table = await websocket.open_table("my_table");

const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");
await viewer.load(server_table);


Table is Perspective's columnar data frame, analogous to a Pandas DataFrame or Apache Arrow, supporting append & in-place updates, removal by index, and update notifications.

A Table contains columns, each of which have a unique name, are strongly and consistently typed, and contains rows of data conforming to the column's type. Each column in a Table must have the same number of rows, though not every row must contain data; null-values are used to indicate missing values in the dataset. The schema of a Table is immutable after creation, which means the column names and data types cannot be changed after the Table has been created. Columns cannot be added or deleted after creation either, but a View can be used to select an arbitrary set of columns from the Table.

Construct a Table

Examples of constructing an empty Table from a schema.


var schema = {
    x: "integer",
    y: "string",
    z: "boolean",

const table2 = await worker.table(schema);


from datetime import date, datetime

schema = {
    "x": "integer",
    "y": "string",
    "z": "boolean",

table2 = perspective.table(schema)


fn main() {
let data = TableData::Schema(vec![(" a".to_string(), ColumnType::FLOAT)]);
let options = TableInitOptions::default();
let table = client.table(data.into(), options).await?;

Schema and column types

The mapping of a Table's column names to data types is referred to as a schema. Each column has a unique name and a single data type, one of

  • float
  • integer
  • boolean
  • date
  • datetime
  • string

A Table schema is fixed at construction, either by explicitly passing a schema dictionary to the Client::table method, or by passing data to this method from which the schema is inferred (if CSV or JSON format) or inherited (if Arrow).

Type inference

When passing CSV or JSON data to the Client::table constructor, the type of each column is inferred automatically. In some cases, the inference algorithm may not return exactly what you'd like. For example, a column may be interpreted as a datetime when you intended it to be a string, or a column may have no values at all (yet), as it will be updated with values from a real-time data source later on. In these cases, create a table() with a schema.

Once the Table has been created, further Table::update calls will perform limited type coercion based on the schema. While coercion works similarly to inference, in that input data may be parsed based on the expected column type, Table::update will not change the column's type further. For example, a number literal 1234 would be inferred as an "integer", but in the context of an Table::update call on a known "string" column, this will be parsed as the string "1234".

date and datetime inference

Various string representations of date and datetime format columns can be inferred as well coerced from strings if they match one of Perspective's internal known datetime parsing formats, for example ISO 8601 (which is also the format Perspective will output these types for CSV).

Loading data

A Table may also be created-or-updated by data in CSV, Apache Arrow, JSON row-oriented or JSON column-oriented formats. In addition to these, perspective-python additionally supports pyarrow.Table, polars.DataFrame and pandas.DataFrame objects directly. These formats are otherwise identical to the built-in formats and don't exhibit any additional support or type-awareness; e.g., pandas.DataFrame support is just pyarrow.Table.from_pandas piped into Perspective's Arrow reader.

Client::table and Table::update perform coercion on their input for all input formats except Arrow (which comes with its own schema and has no need for coercion). "date" and "datetime" column types do not have native JSON representations, so these column types cannot be inferred from JSON input. Instead, for columns of these types for JSON input, a Table must first be constructed with a schema. Next, call Table::update with the JSON input - Perspective's JSON reader may coerce a date or datetime from these native JSON types:

  • integer as milliseconds-since-epoch.
  • string as a any of Perspective's built-in date format formats.
  • JavaScript Date and Python and datetime.datetime are not supported directly. However, in JavaScript Date types are automatically coerced to correct integer timestamps by default when converted to JSON.

Apache Arrow

The most efficient way to load data into Perspective, encoded as Apache Arrow IPC format. In JavaScript:

const resp = await fetch(

const arrow = await resp.arrayBuffer();

Apache Arrow input do not support type coercion, preferring Arrow's internal self-describing schema.


Perspective relies on Apache Arrow's CSV parser, and as such uses mostly the same column-type inference logic as Arrow itself would use for parsing CSV.

Row Oriented JSON

Row-oriented JSON is in the form of a list of objects. Each object in the list corresponds to a row in the table. For example:

    { "a": 86, "b": false, "c": "words" },
    { "a": 0, "b": true, "c": "" },
    { "a": 12345, "b": false, "c": "here" }

Column Oriented JSON

Column-Oriented JSON comes in the form of an object of lists. Each key of the object is a column name, and each element of the list is the corresponding value in the row.

    "a": [86, 0, 12345],
    "b": [false, true, false],
    "c": ["words", "", "here"]


NDJSON is a format.

{ "a": 86, "b": false, "c": "words" }
{ "a": 0, "b": true, "c": "" }
{ "a": 12345, "b": false, "c": "here" }

Index and Limit

`limit` cannot be used in conjunction with `index`.

Initializing a Table with an index tells Perspective to treat a column as the primary key, allowing in-place updates of rows. Only a single column (of any type) can be used as an index. Indexed Table instances allow:

  • In-place updates whenever a new row shares an index values with an existing row
  • Partial updates when a data batch omits some column.
  • Removes to delete a row by index.

To create an indexed Table, provide the index property with a string column name to be used as an index:


const indexed_table = await perspective.table(data, { index: "a" });


indexed_table = perspective.Table(data, index="a");

Initializing a Table with a limit sets the total number of rows the Table is allowed to have. When the Table is updated, and the resulting size of the Table would exceed its limit, rows that exceed limit overwrite the oldest rows in the Table. To create a Table with a limit, provide the limit property with an integer indicating the maximum rows:


const limit_table = await perspective.table(data, { limit: 1000 });


limit_table = perspective.Table(data, limit=1000);

Table::update and Table::remove

Once a Table has been created, it can be updated with new data conforming to the Table's schema. Table::update supports the same data formats as Client::table, minus schema.

const schema = {
    a: "integer",
    b: "float",

const table = await perspective.table(schema);
schema = {"a": "integer", "b": "float"}

table = perspective.Table(schema)

Without an index set, calls to update() append new data to the end of the Table. Otherwise, Perspective allows partial updates (in-place) using the index to determine which rows to update:

indexed_table.update({ id: [1, 4], name: ["x", "y"] });
indexed_table.update({"id": [1, 4], "name": ["x", "y"]})

Any value on a Client::table can be unset using the value null in JSON or Arrow input formats. Values may be unset on construction, as any null in the dataset will be treated as an unset value. Table::update calls do not need to provide all columns in the Table's schema; missing columns will be omitted from the Table's updated rows.

table.update([{ x: 3, y: null }]); // `z` missing
table.update([{"x": 3, "y": None}]) // `z` missing

Rows can also be removed from an indexed Table, by calling Table::remove with an array of index values:

indexed_table.remove([1, 4]);
// Python

indexed_table.remove([1, 4])

Table::clear and Table::replace

Calling Table::clear will remove all data from the underlying Table. Calling Table::replace with new data will clear the Table, and update it with a new dataset that conforms to Perspective's data types and the existing schema on the Table.



The [View] struct is Perspective's query and serialization interface. It represents a query on the Table's dataset and is always created from an existing Table instance via the [Table::view] method.

[View]s are immutable with respect to the arguments provided to the [Table::view] method; to change these parameters, you must create a new [View] on the same [Table]. However, each [View] is live with respect to the [Table]'s data, and will (within a conflation window) update with the latest state as its parent [Table] updates, including incrementally recalculating all aggregates, pivots, filters, etc. [View] query parameters are composable, in that each parameter works independently and in conjunction with each other, and there is no limit to the number of pivots, filters, etc. which can be applied.

The examples in this module are in JavaScript. See perspective docs for the Rust API.
The examples in this module are in Python. See perspective docs for the Rust API.


const table = await perspective.table({
    id: [1, 2, 3, 4],
    name: ["a", "b", "c", "d"],

const view = await table.view({ columns: ["name"] });
const json = await view.to_json();
await view.delete();
table = perspective.Table({
  "id": [1, 2, 3, 4],
  "name": ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

view = table.view(columns=["name"])
arrow = view.to_arrow()
fn main() {
let opts = TableInitOptions::default();
let data = TableData::Update(UpdateData::Csv("x,y\n1,2\n3,4".into()));
let table = client.table(data, opts).await?;

let view = table.view(None).await?;
let arrow = view.to_arrow().await?;

Querying data

To query the table, create a [Table::view] on the table instance with an optional configuration object. A [Table] can have as many [View]s associated with it as you need - Perspective conserves memory by relying on a single [Table] to power multiple [View]s concurrently:

const view = await table.view({
    columns: ["Sales"],
    aggregates: { Sales: "sum" },
    group_by: ["Region", "Country"],
    filter: [["Category", "in", ["Furniture", "Technology"]]],
view = table.view(
  aggregates={"Sales": "sum"},
  group_by=["Region", "Country"],
  filter=[["Category", "in", ["Furniture", "Technology"]]]
fn main() {
use crate::config::*;
let view = table
    .view(Some(ViewConfigUpdate {
        columns: Some(vec![Some("Sales".into())]),
        aggregates: Some(HashMap::from_iter(vec![("Sales".into(), "sum".into())])),
        group_by: Some(vec!["Region".into(), "Country".into()]),
        filter: Some(vec![Filter::new("Category", "in", &[

Group By

A group by groups the dataset by the unique values of each column used as a group by - a close analogue in SQL to the GROUP BY statement. The underlying dataset is aggregated to show the values belonging to each group, and a total row is calculated for each group, showing the currently selected aggregated value (e.g. sum) of the column. Group by are useful for hierarchies, categorizing data and attributing values, i.e. showing the number of units sold based on State and City. In Perspective, group by are represented as an array of string column names to pivot, are applied in the order provided; For example, a group by of ["State", "City", "Postal Code"] shows the values for each Postal Code, which are grouped by City, which are in turn grouped by State.

const view = await table.view({ group_by: ["a", "c"] });
view = table.view(group_by=["a", "c"])
fn main() {
let view = table.view(Some(ViewConfigUpdate {
    group_by: Some(vec!["a".into(), "c".into()]),

Split By

A split by splits the dataset by the unique values of each column used as a split by. The underlying dataset is not aggregated, and a new column is created for each unique value of the split by. Each newly created column contains the parts of the dataset that correspond to the column header, i.e. a View that has ["State"] as its split by will have a new column for each state. In Perspective, Split By are represented as an array of string column names to pivot:

const view = await table.view({ split_by: ["a", "c"] });
view = table.view(split_by=["a", "c"])
fn main() {
let view = table.view(Some(ViewConfigUpdate {
    split_by: Some(vec!["a".into(), "c".into()]),


Aggregates perform a calculation over an entire column, and are displayed when one or more Group By are applied to the View. Aggregates can be specified by the user, or Perspective will use the following sensible default aggregates based on column type:

  • "sum" for integer and float columns
  • "count" for all other columns

Perspective provides a selection of aggregate functions that can be applied to columns in the View constructor using a dictionary of column name to aggregate function name.

const view = await table.view({
    aggregates: {
        a: "avg",
        b: "distinct count",
view = table.view(
    "a": "avg",
    "b": "distinct count"


The columns property specifies which columns should be included in the View's output. This allows users to show or hide a specific subset of columns, as well as control the order in which columns appear to the user. This is represented in Perspective as an array of string column names:

const view = await table.view({
    columns: ["a"],
view = table.view(columns=["a"])


The sort property specifies columns on which the query should be sorted, analogous to ORDER BY in SQL. A column can be sorted regardless of its data type, and sorts can be applied in ascending or descending order. Perspective represents sort as an array of arrays, with the values of each inner array being a string column name and a string sort direction. When column-pivots are applied, the additional sort directions "col asc" and "col desc" will determine the order of pivot columns groups.

const view = await table.view({
    sort: [["a", "asc"]],
view = table.view(sort=[["a", "asc"]])


The filter property specifies columns on which the query can be filtered, returning rows that pass the specified filter condition. This is analogous to the WHERE clause in SQL. There is no limit on the number of columns where filter is applied, but the resulting dataset is one that passes all the filter conditions, i.e. the filters are joined with an AND condition.

Perspective represents filter as an array of arrays, with the values of each inner array being a string column name, a string filter operator, and a filter operand in the type of the column:

const view = await table.view({
    filter: [["a", "<", 100]],
view = table.view(filter=[["a", "<", 100]])


The expressions property specifies new columns in Perspective that are created using existing column values or arbitary scalar values defined within the expression. In <perspective-viewer>, expressions are added using the "New Column" button in the side panel.

A custom name can be added to an expression by making the first line a comment:

const view = await table.view({
    expressions: { '"a" + "b"': '"a" + "b"' },
view = table.view(expressions=['"a" + "b"'])

Flattening a [Table::view] into a [Table]

In Javascript, a [Table] can be constructed on a [Table::view] instance, which will return a new [Table] based on the [Table::view]'s dataset, and all future updates that affect the [Table::view] will be forwarded to the new [Table]. This is particularly useful for implementing a Client/Server Replicated design, by serializing the View to an arrow and setting up an on_update callback.

const worker1 = perspective.worker();
const table = await worker.table(data);
const view = await table.view({ filter: [["State", "==", "Texas"]] });
const table2 = await worker.table(view);
table.update([{ State: "Texas", City: "Austin" }]);
table = perspective.Table(data);
view = table.view(filter=[["State", "==", "Texas"]])
table2 = perspective.Table(view.to_arrow());

def updater(port, delta):

view.on_update(updater, mode="Row")
table.update([{"State": "Texas", "City": "Austin"}])
fn main() {
let opts = TableInitOptions::default();
let data = TableData::Update(UpdateData::Csv("x,y\n1,2\n3,4".into()));
let table = client.table(data, opts).await?;
let view = table.view(None).await?;
let table2 = client.table(TableData::View(view)).await?;

Perspective's JavaScript library offers a configurable UI powered by the same fast streaming data engine, just re-compiled to WebAssembly. A simple example which loads an Apache Arrow and computes a "Group By" operation, returning a new Arrow:

import perspective from "@finos/perspective";

const table = await perspective.table(apache_arrow_data);
const view = await table.view({ group_by: ["CounterParty", "Security"] });
const arrow = await view.to_arrow();

More Examples are available on GitHub.

Module Structure

Perspective is designed for flexibility, allowing developers to pick and choose which modules they need for their specific use case. The main modules are:

  • @finos/perspective
    The data engine library, as both a browser ES6 and Node.js module. Provides a WebAssembly, WebWorker (browser) and Process (node.js) runtime.

  • @finos/perspective-viewer
    A user-configurable visualization widget, bundled as a Web Component. This module includes the core data engine module as a dependency.

<perspective-viewer> by itself only implements a trivial debug renderer, which prints the currently configured view() as a CSV. Plugin modules for popular JavaScript libraries, such as d3fc, are packaged separately and must be imported individually.

Perspective offers these plugin modules:

  • @finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid
    A custom high-performance data-grid component based on HTML <table>.

  • @finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc
    A <perspective-viewer> plugin for the d3fc charting library.

When imported after @finos/perspective-viewer, the plugin modules will register themselves automatically, and the renderers they export will be available in the plugin dropdown in the <perspective-viewer> UI.

Which modules should I import?

Depending on your requirements, you may need just one, or all, Perspective modules. Here are some basic guidelines to help you decide what is most appropriate for your project:

  • For Perspective's high-performance streaming data engine (in WebAssembly), or for a purely Node.js based application, import:

    • @finos/perspective, as detailed here
  • For Perspective as a simple, browser-based data visualization widget, you will need to import:

    • @finos/perspective, detailed here
    • @finos/perspective-viewer, detailed here
    • @finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid for data grids
    • @finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc for charting
  • For more complex cases, such as sharing tables between viewers and binding a viewer to a remote view in Node.js, you will likely need all Perspective modules.

JavaScript Builds

Perspective requires the browser to have access to Perspective's .wasm binaries in addition to the bundled .js files, and as a result the build process requires a few extra steps. To ease integration, Perspective's NPM releases come with multiple prebuilt configurations.


ESM Builds

The recommended builds for production use are packaged as ES Modules and require a bootstrapping step in order to acquire the .wasm binaries and initialize Perspective's JavaScript with them. However, because they have no hard-coded dependencies on the .wasm paths, they are ideal for use with JavaScript bundlers such as ESBuild, Rollup, Vite or Webpack.

CDN Builds

Perspective's CDN builds are good for non-bundled scenarios, such as importing directly from a <script> tag with a browser-side import. CDN builds do not require bootstrapping the WebAssembly binaries, but they also generally do not work with bundlers such as WebPack.

Inline Builds

Inline builds are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Perspective's Inline Builds are a last-ditch effort at compatibility. They work by inlining WebAssembly binary content as a base64-encoded string. While inline builds work with most bundlers and do not require bootstrapping, there is an inherent file-size and boot-performance penalty when using this inefficient build method.

Prefer your bundler's inlining features and Perspective ESM builds to this one where possible.


There is a Node.js build as well for @finos/perspective data engine, which shouldn't require any special instructions to use.

What is perspective-python

Perspective for Python uses the exact same C++ data engine used by the WebAssembly version and Rust version. The library consists of many of the same abstractions and API as in JavaScript, as well as Python-specific data loading support for NumPy, Pandas (and Apache Arrow, as in JavaScript).

Additionally, perspective-python provides a session manager suitable for integration into server systems such as Tornado websockets, AIOHTTP, or Starlette/FastAPI, which allows fully virtual Perspective tables to be interacted with by multiple <perspective-viewer> in a web browser. You can also interact with a Perspective table from python clients, and to that end client libraries are implemented for both Tornado and AIOHTTP.


A simple example which loads an Apache Arrow and computes a "Group By" operation, returning a new Arrow.

from perspective import Server

client = Server().new_local_client()
table = client.table(arrow_bytes_data)
view = table.view(group_by = ["CounterParty", "Security"])
arrow = view.to_arrow()

More Examples are available on GitHub.

What's included

The perspective module exports several tools:

  • Server the constructor for a new isntance of the Perspective data engine.
  • The perspective.widget module exports PerspectiveWidget, the JupyterLab widget for interactive visualization in a notebook cell.
  • The perspective.handlers modules exports web frameworks handlers that interface with a perspective-client in JavaScript.
    • perspective.handlers.tornado.PerspectiveTornadoHandler for Tornado
    • perspective.handlers.starlette.PerspectiveStarletteHandler for Starlette and FastAPI
    • perspective.handlers.aiohttp.PerspectiveAIOHTTPHandler for AIOHTTP,

Virtual UI server

As <perspective-viewer> or any other Perspective Client will only consume the data necessary to render the current screen (or wahtever else was requested via the API), this runtime mode allows large datasets without the need to copy them entirely to the Browser, at the expense of network latency on UI interaction/API calls.


PerspectiveWidget is a JupyterLab widget that implements the same API as <perspective-viewer>, allows running such a viewer in JupyterLab in either server or client (via WebAssembly) mode. PerspectiveWidget is compatible with Jupyterlab 3 and Jupyter Notebook 6 via a prebuilt extension. To use it, simply install perspective-python and the extensions should be available.

perspective-python's JupyterLab extension also provides convenient builtin viewers for csv, json, or arrow files. Simply right-click on a file with this extension and choose the appropriate Perpective option from the context menu.


Install via cargo:

cargo add perspective


Initialize a server and client

fn main() {
let server = Server::default();
let client = server.new_local_client();

Load an Arrow

fn main() {
let mut file = File::open(std::path::Path::new(ROOT_PATH).join(ARROW_FILE_PATH))?;
let mut feather = Vec::with_capacity(file.metadata()?.len() as usize);
file.read_to_end(&mut feather)?;
let data = UpdateData::Arrow(feather.into());
let mut options = TableInitOptions::default();
client.table(data.into(), options).await?;


JavaScript NPM Installation

Perspective releases contain several different builds for use in most environments.


Perspective's WebAssembly data engine is available via NPM in the same package as its Node.js counterpart, @finos/perspective. The Perspective Viewer UI (which has no Node.js component) must be installed separately:

$ npm add @finos/perspective @finos/perspective-viewer

By itself, @finos/perspective-viewer does not provide any visualizations, only the UI framework. Perspective Plugins provide visualizations and must be installed separately. All Plugins are optional - but a <perspective-viewer> without Plugins would be rather boring!

$ npm add @finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc @finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid @finos/perspective-viewer-openlayers


To use Perspective from a Node.js server, simply install via NPM.

$ npm add @finos/perspective

JavaScript - Importing with or without a bundler

ESM builds with a bundler

ESM builds must be bootstrapped with their .wasm binaries to initialize. The wasm binaries can be found in their respective dist/wasm directories.

import perspective_viewer from "@finos/perspective-viewer";
import perspective from "@finos/perspective";

// TODO These paths must be provided by the bundler!
const SERVER_WASM = ... // "@finos/perspective/dist/wasm/perspective-server.wasm"
const CLIENT_WASM = ... // "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/wasm/perspective-viewer.wasm"

await Promise.all([

// Now Perspective API will work!
const worker = await perspective.worker();
const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");

The exact syntax will vary slightly depending on the bundler.


import SERVER_WASM from "@finos/perspective/dist/wasm/perspective-server.wasm?url";
import CLIENT_WASM from "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/wasm/perspective-viewer.wasm?url";

await Promise.all([

You'll also need to target esnext in your vite.config.js in order to run the build step:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
export default defineConfig({
    build: {
        target: "esnext",


import SERVER_WASM from "@finos/perspective/dist/wasm/perspective-server.wasm";
import CLIENT_WASM from "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/wasm/perspective-viewer.wasm";

await Promise.all([

ESBuild config JSON to encode this asset as a file:

    // ...
    "loader": {
        // ...
        ".wasm": "file"


import * as SERVER_WASM from "@finos/perspective/dist/wasm/perspective-server.wasm";
import * as CLIENT_WASM from "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/wasm/perspective-viewer.wasm";

await Promise.all([

Webpack config:

    // ...
    experiments: {
        asyncWebAssembly: true,
        syncWebAssembly: false,

Inline builds with a bundler

import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/esm/perspective-viewer.inline.js";
import psp from "@finos/perspective/dist/esm/perspective.inline.js";

CDN builds

Perspective CDN builds are in ES Module format, thus to include them via a CDN they must be imported from a <script type="module">. While this will work fine downloading Perspective's assets directly as a src attribute, as you'll generally want to do something with the library its best to use an import statement:

<script type="module">
    import "";
    import "";
    import "";
    import perspective from "";

    // .. Do stuff here ..

Node.js builds

The Node.js runtime for the @finos/perspective module runs in-process by default and does not implement a child_process interface. Hence, there is no worker() method, and the module object itself directly exports the full perspective API.

const perspective = require("@finos/perspective");

In Node.js, perspective does not run in a WebWorker (as this API does not exist in Node.js), so no need to call the .worker() factory function - the perspective library exports the functions directly and run synchronously in the main process.

Accessing the Perspective engine via a Client instance

An instance of a Client is needed to talk to a Perspective Server, of which there are a few varieties available in JavaScript.

Web Worker (Browser)

Perspective's Web Worker client is actually a Client and Server rolled into one. Instantiating this Client will also create a dedicated Perspective Server in a Web Worker process.

To use it, you'll need to instantiate a Web Worker perspective engine via the worker() method. This will create a new Web Worker (browser) and load the WebAssembly binary. All calculation and data accumulation will occur in this separate process.

const client = await perspective.worker();

The worker symbol will expose the full perspective API for one managed Web Worker process. You are free to create as many as your browser supports, but be sure to keep track of the worker instances themselves, as you'll need them to interact with your data in each instance.

Websocket (Browser)

Alternatively, with a Perspective server running in Node.js, Python or Rust, you can create a virtual Client via the websocket() method.

const client = perspective.websocket("http://localhost:8080/");


The Node.js runtime for the @finos/perspective module runs in-process by default and does not implement a child_process interface, so no need to call the .worker() factory function. Instead, the perspective library exports the functions directly and run synchronously in the main process.

const client = require("@finos/perspective");

Serializing data

The view() allows for serialization of data to JavaScript through the to_json(), to_ndjson(), to_columns(), to_csv(), and to_arrow() methods (the same data formats supported by the Client::table factory function). These methods return a promise for the calculated data:

const view = await table.view({ group_by: ["State"], columns: ["Sales"] });

// JavaScript Objects
console.log(await view.to_json());
console.log(await view.to_columns());

// String
console.log(await view.to_csv());
console.log(await view.to_ndjson());

// ArrayBuffer
console.log(await view.to_arrow());

Deleting a table() or view()

Unlike standard JavaScript objects, Perspective objects such as table() and view() store their associated data in the WebAssembly heap. Because of this, as well as the current lack of a hook into the JavaScript runtime's garbage collector from WebAssembly, the memory allocated to these Perspective objects does not automatically get cleaned up when the object falls out of scope.

In order to prevent memory leaks and reclaim the memory associated with a Perspective table() or view(), you must call the delete() method:

await view.delete();

// This method will throw an exception if there are still `view()`s depending
// on this `table()`!
await table.delete();

Similarly, <perspective-viewer> Custom Elements do not delete the memory allocated for the UI when they are removed from the DOM.

await viewer.delete();

Server-only via WebSocketServer() and Node.js

For exceptionally large datasets, a Client can be bound to a perspective.table() instance running in Node.js/Python/Rust remotely, rather than creating one in a Web Worker and downloading the entire data set. This trades off network bandwidth and server resource requirements for a smaller browser memory and CPU footprint.

An example in Node.js:

const { WebSocketServer, table } = require("@finos/perspective");
const fs = require("fs");

// Start a WS/HTTP host on port 8080.  The `assets` property allows
// the `WebSocketServer()` to also serves the file structure rooted in this
// module's directory.
const host = new WebSocketServer({ assets: [__dirname], port: 8080 });

// Read an arrow file from the file system and host it as a named table.
const arr = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/superstore.lz4.arrow");
await table(arr, { name: "table_one" });

... and the [Client] implementation in the browser:

const elem = document.getElementsByTagName("perspective-viewer")[0];

// Bind to the server's worker instead of instantiating a Web Worker.
const websocket = await perspective.websocket(
    window.location.origin.replace("http", "ws")

// Create a virtual `Table` to the preloaded data source.  `table` and `view`
// objects live on the server.
const server_table = await websocket.open_table("table_one");

<perspective-viewer> Custom Element library

<perspective-viewer> provides a complete graphical UI for configuring the perspective library and formatting its output to the provided visualization plugins.

Once imported and initialized in JavaScript, the <perspective-viewer> Web Component will be available in any standard HTML on your site. A simple example:

<perspective-viewer id="view1"></perspective-viewer>
<script type="module">
    const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");
    await viewer.load(table);


Theming is supported in perspective-viewer and its accompanying plugins. A number of themes come bundled with perspective-viewer; you can import any of these themes directly into your app, and the perspective-viewers will be themed accordingly:

// Themes based on Thought Merchants's Prospective design
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/pro.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/pro-dark.css";

// Other themes
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/solarized.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/solarized-dark.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/monokai.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/vaporwave.css";

Alternatively, you may use themes.css, which bundles all default themes

import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/themes.css";

If you choose not to bundle the themes yourself, they are available through CDN. These can be directly linked in your HTML file:


Note the crossorigin="anonymous" attribute. When including a theme from a cross-origin context, this attribute may be required to allow <perspective-viewer> to detect the theme. If this fails, additional themes are added to the document after <perspective-viewer> init, or for any other reason theme auto-detection fails, you may manually inform <perspective-viewer> of the available theme names with the .resetThemes() method.

// re-auto-detect themes

// Set available themes explicitly (they still must be imported as CSS!)
viewer.resetThemes(["Pro Light", "Pro Dark"]);

<perspective-viewer> will default to the first loaded theme when initialized. You may override this via .restore(), or provide an initial theme by setting the theme attribute:

<perspective-viewer theme="Pro Light"></perspective-viewer>


const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await viewer.restore({ theme: "Pro Dark" });

Custom themes

The best way to write a new theme is to fork and modify an existing theme, which are just collections of regular CSS variables (no preprocessor is required, though Perspective's own themes use one). <perspective-viewer> is not "themed" by default and will lack icons and label text in addition to colors and fonts, so starting from an empty theme forces you to define every theme-able variable to get a functional UI.

Icons and Translation

UI icons are defined by CSS variables provided by @finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/icons.css. These variables must be defined for the UI icons to work - there are no default icons without a theme.

UI text is also defined in CSS variables provided by @finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/intl.css, and has identical import requirements. Some example definitions (automatically-translated sans-editing) can be found @finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/intl/ folder.

Importing the pre-built themes.css stylesheet as well as a custom theme will define Icons and Translation globally as a side-effect. You can still customize icons in this mode with rules (of the appropriate specificity), but if you do not still remember to define these variables yourself, your theme will not work without the base themes.css pacage available.

Loading data from a Table

Data can be loaded into <perspective-viewer> in the form of a Table() or a Promise<Table> via the load() method.

// Create a new worker, then a new table promise on that worker.
const worker = await perspective.worker();
const table = await worker.table(data);

// Bind a viewer element to this table.
await viewer.load(table);

Sharing a Table between multiple <perspective-viewer>s

Multiple <perspective-viewer>s can share a table() by passing the table() into the load() method of each viewer. Each perspective-viewer will update when the underlying table() is updated, but table.delete() will fail until all perspective-viewer instances referencing it are also deleted:

const viewer1 = document.getElementById("viewer1");
const viewer2 = document.getElementById("viewer2");

// Create a new WebWorker
const worker = await perspective.worker();

// Create a table in this worker
const table = await worker.table(data);

// Load the same table in 2 different <perspective-viewer> elements
await viewer1.load(table);
await viewer2.load(table);

// Both `viewer1` and `viewer2` will reflect this update
await table.update([{ x: 5, y: "e", z: true }]);

Loading data from a virtual Table

Loading a virtual (server-only) [Table] works just like loading a local/Web Worker [Table] - just pass the virtual [Table] to viewer.load(). In the browser:

const elem = document.getElementsByTagName("perspective-viewer")[0];

// Bind to the server's worker instead of instantiating a Web Worker.
const websocket = await perspective.websocket(
    window.location.origin.replace("http", "ws")

// Bind the viewer to the preloaded data source.  `table` and `view` objects
// live on the server.
const server_table = await websocket.open_table("table_one");
await elem.load(server_table);

Alternatively, data can be cloned from a server-side virtual Table into a client-side WebAssemblt Table. The browser clone will be synced via delta updates transferred via Apache Arrow IPC format, but local Views created will be calculated locally on the client browser.

const worker = await perspective.worker();
const server_view = await server_table.view();
const client_table = worker.table(server_view);
await elem.load(client_table);

<perspective-viewer> instances bound in this way are otherwise no different than <perspective-viewer>s which rely on a Web Worker, and can even share a host application with Web Worker-bound table()s. The same promise-based API is used to communicate with the server-instantiated view(), only in this case it is over a websocket.

Saving and restoring UI state.

<perspective-viewer> is persistent, in that its entire state (sans the data itself) can be serialized or deserialized. This include all column, filter, pivot, expressions, etc. properties, as well as datagrid style settings, config panel visibility, and more. This overloaded feature covers a range of use cases:

  • Setting a <perspective-viewer>'s initial state after a load() call.
  • Updating a single or subset of properties, without modifying others.
  • Resetting some or all properties to their data-relative default.
  • Persisting a user's configuration to localStorage or a server.

Serializing and deserializing the viewer state

To retrieve the entire state as a JSON-ready JavaScript object, use the save() method. save() also supports a few other formats such as "arraybuffer" and "string" (base64, not JSON), which you may choose for size at the expense of easy migration/manual-editing.

const json_token = await;
const string_token = await"string");

For any format, the serialized token can be restored to any <perspective-viewer> with a Table of identical schema, via the restore() method. Note that while the data for a token returned from save() may differ, generally its schema may not, as many other settings depend on column names and types.

await elem.restore(json_token);
await elem.restore(string_token);

As restore() dispatches on the token's type, it is important to make sure that these types match! A common source of error occurs when passing a JSON-stringified token to restore(), which will assume base64-encoded msgpack when a string token is used.

// This will error!
await elem.restore(JSON.stringify(json_token));

Updating individual properties

Using the JSON format, every facet of a <perspective-viewer>'s configuration can be manipulated from JavaScript using the restore() method. The valid structure of properties is described via the ViewerConfig and embedded ViewConfig type declarations, and View chapter of the documentation which has several interactive examples for each ViewConfig property.

// Set the plugin (will also update `columns` to plugin-defaults)
await elem.restore({ plugin: "X Bar" });

// Update plugin and columns (only draws once)
await elem.restore({ plugin: "X Bar", columns: ["Sales"] });

// Open the config panel
await elem.restore({ settings: true });

// Create an expression
await elem.restore({
    columns: ['"Sales" + 100'],
    expressions: { "New Column": '"Sales" + 100' },

// ERROR if the column does not exist in the schema or expressions
// await elem.restore({columns: ["\"Sales\" + 100"], expressions: {}});

// Add a filter
await elem.restore({ filter: [["Sales", "<", 100]] });

// Add a sort, don't remove filter
await elem.restore({ sort: [["Prodit", "desc"]] });

// Reset just filter, preserve sort
await elem.restore({ filter: undefined });

// Reset all properties to default e.g. after `load()`
await elem.reset();

Another effective way to quickly create a token for a desired configuration is to simply copy the token returned from save() after settings the view manually in the browser. The JSON format is human-readable and should be quite easy to tweak once generated, as save() will return even the default settings for all properties. You can call save() in your application code, or e.g. through the Chrome developer console:

// Copy to clipboard
copy(await document.querySelector("perspective-viewer").save());

Listening for events

The <perspective-viewer> Custom Element fires all the same HTML Events that standard DOM HTMLElement objects fire, in addition to a few custom CustomEvents which relate to UI updates including those initiaed through user interaction.

Update events

Whenever a <perspective-viewer>s underlying table() is changed via the load() or update() methods, a perspective-view-update DOM event is fired. Similarly, view() updates instigated either through the Attribute API or through user interaction will fire a perspective-config-update event:

elem.addEventListener("perspective-config-update", function (event) {
    var config =;
    console.log("The view() config has changed to " + JSON.stringify(config));

Click events

Whenever a <perspective-viewer>'s grid or chart is clicked, a perspective-click DOM event is fired containing a detail object with config, column_names, and row.

The config object contains an array of filters that can be applied to a <perspective-viewer> through the use of restore() updating it to show the filtered subset of data.

The column_names property contains an array of matching columns, and the row property returns the associated row data.

elem.addEventListener("perspective-click", function (event) {
    var config = event.detail.config;



perspective-python contains full bindings to the Perspective API, a JupyterLab widget, and WebSocket handlers for several webserver libraries that allow you to host Perspective using server-side Python.


perspective-python can be installed from PyPI via pip:

pip install perspective-python

That's it! If JupyterLab is installed in this Python environment, you'll also get the perspective.widget.PerspectiveWidget class when you import perspective in a Jupyter Lab kernel.

Loading data into a Table

A Table can be created from a dataset or a schema, the specifics of which are discussed in the JavaScript section of the user's guide. In Python, however, Perspective supports additional data types that are commonly used when processing data:

  • pandas.DataFrame
  • polars.DataFrame
  • bytes (encoding an Apache Arrow)
  • objects (either extracting a repr or via reference)
  • str (encoding as a CSV)

A Table is created in a similar fashion to its JavaScript equivalent:

from datetime import date, datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import perspective

data = pd.DataFrame({
    "int": np.arange(100),
    "float": [i * 1.5 for i in range(100)],
    "bool": [True for i in range(100)],
    "date": [ for i in range(100)],
    "datetime": [ for i in range(100)],
    "string": [str(i) for i in range(100)]

table = perspective.table(data, index="float")

Likewise, a View can be created via the view() method:

view = table.view(group_by=["float"], filter=[["bool", "==", True]])
column_data = view.to_columns()
row_data = view.to_json()

Polars Support

Polars DataFrame types work similarly to Apache Arrow input, which Perspective uses to interface with Polars.

df = polars.DataFrame({"a": [1,2,3,4,5]})
table = perspective.table(df)

Pandas Support

Perspective's Table can be constructed from pandas.DataFrame objects. Internally, this just uses pyarrow::from_pandas, which dictates behavior of this feature including type support.

If the dataframe does not have an index set, an integer-typed column named "index" is created. If you want to preserve the indexing behavior of the dataframe passed into Perspective, simply create the Table with index="index" as a keyword argument. This tells Perspective to once again treat the index as a primary key:

table = perspective.table(data, index="index")

Time Zone Handling

When parsing "datetime" strings, times are assumed local time unless an explicit timezone offset is parsed. All "datetime" columns (regardless of input time zone) are output to the user as datetime.datetime objects in local time according to the Python runtime.

This behavior is consistent with Perspective's behavior in JavaScript. For more details, see this in-depth explanation of perspective-python semantics around time zone handling.

Callbacks and Events

perspective.Table allows for on_update and on_delete callbacks to be set—simply call on_update or on_delete with a reference to a function or a lambda without any parameters:

def update_callback():

# set the update callback
on_update_id = view.on_update(update_callback)

def delete_callback():

# set the delete callback
on_delete_id = view.on_delete(delete_callback)

# set a lambda as a callback
view.on_delete(lambda: print("Deleted x2!"))

If the callback is a named reference to a function, it can be removed with remove_update or remove_delete:


Callbacks defined with a lambda function cannot be removed, as lambda functions have no identifier.


Perspective's server API releases the GIL when called (though it may be retained for some portion of the Client call to encode RPC messages). It also dispatches to an internal thread pool for some operations, enabling better parallelism and overall better server performance. However, Perspective's Python interface itself will still process queries in a single queue. To enable parallel query processing, call set_loop_callback with a multi-threaded executor such as concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor:

def perspective_thread():
    server = perspective.Server()
    loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop()
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        server.set_loop_callback(loop.run_in_executor, executor)

Hosting a WebSocket server

An in-memory Server "hosts" all perspective.Table and perspective.View instances created by its connected Clients. Hosted tables/views can have their methods called from other sources than the Python server, i.e. by a perspective-viewer running in a JavaScript client over the network, interfacing with perspective-python through the websocket API.

The server has full control of all hosted Table and View instances, and can call any public API method on hosted instances. This makes it extremely easy to stream data to a hosted Table using .update():

server = perspective.Server()
client = server.new_local_client()
table = client.table(data, name="data_source")

for i in range(10):
    # updates continue to propagate automatically

The name provided is important, as it enables Perspective in JavaScript to look up a Table and get a handle to it over the network. Otherwise, name will be assigned randomlu and the Client must look this up with CLient.get_hosted_table_names()

Client/Server Replicated Mode

Using Tornado and PerspectiveTornadoHandler, as well as Perspective's JavaScript library, we can set up "distributed" Perspective instances that allows multiple browser perspective-viewer clients to read from a common perspective-python server, as in the Tornado Example Project.

This architecture works by maintaining two Tables—one on the server, and one on the client that mirrors the server's Table automatically using on_update. All updates to the table on the server are automatically applied to each client, which makes this architecture a natural fit for streaming dashboards and other distributed use-cases. In conjunction with multithreading, distributed Perspective offers consistently high performance over large numbers of clients and large datasets.

from perspective import Server
from perspective.hadnlers.tornado import PerspectiveTornadoHandler

# Create an instance of Server, and host a Table
SERVER = Server()
CLIENT = SERVER.new_local_client()

# The Table is exposed at `localhost:8888/websocket` with the name `data_source`
client.table(data, name = "data_source")

app = tornado.web.Application([
    # create a websocket endpoint that the client JavaScript can access
    (r"/websocket", PerspectiveTornadoHandler, {"perspective_server": SERVER})

# Start the Tornado server
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()

Instead of calling load(server_table), create a View using server_table and pass that into viewer.load(). This will automatically register an on_update callback that synchronizes state between the server and the client.


<perspective-viewer id="viewer" editable></perspective-viewer>

<script type="module">
    // Create a client that expects a Perspective server
    // to accept connections at the specified URL.
    const websocket = await perspective.websocket(

    // Get a handle to the Table on the server
    const server_table = await websocket.open_table("data_source_one");

    // Create a new view
    const server_view = await table.view();

    // Create a Table on the client using `perspective.worker()`
    const worker = await perspective.worker();
    const client_table = await worker.table(view);

    // Load the client table in the `<perspective-viewer>`.

For a more complex example that offers distributed editing of the server dataset, see client_server_editing.html.

We also provide examples for Starlette/FastAPI and AIOHTTP:

Server-only Mode

The server setup is identical to Client/Server Replicated Mode above, but instead of creating a View, the client calls load(server_table): In Python, use Server and PerspectiveTornadoHandler to create a websocket server that exposes a Table. In this example, table is a proxy for the Table we created on the server. All API methods are available on proxies, calling view(), schema(), update() on table will pass those operations to the Python Table, execute the commands, and return the result back to Javascript.

<perspective-viewer id="viewer" editable></perspective-viewer>
const websocket = perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");
const table = websocket.open_table("data_source");

PerspectiveWidget for JupyterLab

Building on top of the API provided by perspective.Table, the PerspectiveWidget is a JupyterLab plugin that offers the entire functionality of Perspective within the Jupyter environment. It supports the same API semantics of <perspective-viewer>, along with the additional data types supported by perspective.Table. PerspectiveWidget takes keyword arguments for the managed View:

from perspective.widget import PerspectiveWidget
w = perspective.PerspectiveWidget(
    plugin="X Bar",
    aggregates={"datetime": "any"},
    sort=[["date", "desc"]]

Creating a widget

A widget is created through the PerspectiveWidget constructor, which takes as its first, required parameter a perspective.Table, a dataset, a schema, or None, which serves as a special value that tells the Widget to defer loading any data until later. In maintaining consistency with the Javascript API, Widgets cannot be created with empty dictionaries or lists — None should be used if the intention is to await data for loading later on. A widget can be constructed from a dataset:

from perspective.widget import PerspectiveWidget
PerspectiveWidget(data, group_by=["date"])

.. or a schema:

PerspectiveWidget({"a": int, "b": str})

.. or an instance of a perspective.Table:

table = perspective.table(data)

Updating a widget

PerspectiveWidget shares a similar API to the <perspective-viewer> Custom Element, and has similar save() and restore() methods that serialize/deserialize UI state for the widget.

Tutorial: A tornado server in Python

Perspective ships with a pre-built Tornado handler that makes integration with tornado.websockets extremely easy. This allows you to run an instance of Perspective on a server using Python, open a websocket to a Table, and access the Table in JavaScript and through <perspective-viewer>. All instructions sent to the Table are processed in Python, which executes the commands, and returns its output through the websocket back to Javascript.

Python setup

Make sure Perspective and Tornado are installed!

pip install perspective-python tornado

To use the handler, we need to first have a Server, a Client and an instance of a Table:

import perspective

SERVER = perspective.Server()
CLIENT = SERVER.new_local_client()

Once the server has been created, create a Table instance with a name. The name that you host the table under is important — it acts as a unique accessor on the JavaScript side, which will look for a Table hosted at the websocket with the name you specify.

TABLE = client.table(data, name="data_source_one")

After the server and table setup is complete, create a websocket endpoint and provide it a reference to PerspectiveTornadoHandler. You must provide the configuration object in the route tuple, and it must contain "perspective_server", which is a reference to the Server you just created.

from perspective.handlers.tornado import PerspectiveTornadoHandler

app = tornado.web.Application([

    # ... other handlers ...

    # Create a websocket endpoint that the client JavaScript can access
    (r"/websocket", PerspectiveTornadoHandler, {"perspective_server": SERVER, "check_origin": True})

Optionally, the configuration object can also include check_origin, a boolean that determines whether the websocket accepts requests from origins other than where the server is hosted. See Tornado docs for more details.

JavaScript setup

Once the server is up and running, you can access the Table you just hosted using perspective.websocket and open_table(). First, create a client that expects a Perspective server to accept connections at the specified URL:

import "@finos/perspective-viewer";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid";
import perspective from "@finos/perspective";

const websocket = await perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");

Next open the Table we created on the server by name:

const table = await websocket.open_table("data_source_one");

table is a proxy for the Table we created on the server. All operations that are possible through the JavaScript API are possible on the Python API as well, thus calling view(), schema(), update() etc. on const table will pass those operations to the Python Table, execute the commands, and return the result back to JavaScript. Similarly, providing this table to a <perspective-viewer> instance will allow virtual rendering:

const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer"); = "500px";
await viewer.load(table);

perspective.websocket expects a Websocket URL where it will send instructions. When open_table is called, the name to a hosted Table is passed through, and a request is sent through the socket to fetch the Table. No actual Table instance is passed inbetween the runtimes; all instructions are proxied through websockets.

This provides for great flexibility — while Perspective.js is full of features, browser WebAssembly runtimes currently have some performance restrictions on memory and CPU feature utilization, and the architecture in general suffers when the dataset itself is too large to download to the client in full.

The Python runtime does not suffer from memory limitations, utilizes Apache Arrow internal threadpools for threading and parallel processing, and generates architecture optimized code, which currently makes it more suitable as a server-side runtime than node.js.

API Reference

Perspective's complete API is hosted on

  • perspective-client covers Table and View data engine API methods common for Rust, JavaScript and Python.
  • perspective-rs adds Rust-specific documentation for the Rust crate entrypoint.