Listening for events

The <perspective-viewer> Custom Element fires all the same HTML Events that standard DOM HTMLElement objects fire, in addition to a few custom CustomEvents which relate to UI updates including those initiaed through user interaction.

Update events

Whenever a <perspective-viewer>s underlying table() is changed via the load() or update() methods, a perspective-view-update DOM event is fired. Similarly, view() updates instigated either through the Attribute API or through user interaction will fire a perspective-config-update event:

elem.addEventListener("perspective-config-update", function (event) {
    var config =;
    console.log("The view() config has changed to " + JSON.stringify(config));

Click events

Whenever a <perspective-viewer>'s grid or chart is clicked, a perspective-click DOM event is fired containing a detail object with config, column_names, and row.

The config object contains an array of filters that can be applied to a <perspective-viewer> through the use of restore() updating it to show the filtered subset of data.

The column_names property contains an array of matching columns, and the row property returns the associated row data.

elem.addEventListener("perspective-click", function (event) {
    var config = event.detail.config;