Querying data
To query the table, create a [Table::view
] on the table instance with an
optional configuration object. A [Table
] can have as many [View
]s associated
with it as you need - Perspective conserves memory by relying on a single
] to power multiple [View
]s concurrently:
const view = await table.view({
columns: ["Sales"],
aggregates: { Sales: "sum" },
group_by: ["Region", "Country"],
filter: [["Category", "in", ["Furniture", "Technology"]]],
view = table.view(
aggregates={"Sales": "sum"},
group_by=["Region", "Country"],
filter=[["Category", "in", ["Furniture", "Technology"]]]
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use crate::config::*; let view = table .view(Some(ViewConfigUpdate { columns: Some(vec![Some("Sales".into())]), aggregates: Some(HashMap::from_iter(vec![("Sales".into(), "sum".into())])), group_by: Some(vec!["Region".into(), "Country".into()]), filter: Some(vec![Filter::new("Category", "in", &[ "Furniture", "Technology", ])]), ..ViewConfigUpdate::default() })) .await?; }