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The View is Perspective's query and serialization interface. It represents a query on the Table's dataset and is always created from an existing Table instance via the view() method with a set of View configuration parameters:

const table = await perspective.table({
id: [1, 2, 3, 4],
name: ["a", "b", "c", "d"],

const view = await table.view({ columns: ["name"] });
const json = await view.to_json();


View objects are immutable with respect to the arguments provided to the view() method; to change these parameters, you must create a new View on the same Table. However, each View is live with respect to the Table's data, and will (within a conflation window) update with the latest state as its parent Table updates, including incrementally recalculating all aggregates, pivots, filters, etc. View query parameters are composable, in that each parameter works independently and in conjunction with each other, and there is no limit to the number of pivots, filters, etc. which can be applied.

Examples in this section are live — play around with each <perspective-viewer> instance to see how different query parameters affect what you see!

Querying data with view()

To query the table, create a view() on the table instance with an optional configuration object. A table() can have as many view()s associated with it as you need - Perspective conserves memory by relying on a single table() to power multiple view()s concurrently:

const view = await table.view({
columns: ["Sales"],
aggregates: { Sales: "sum" },
group_by: ["Region", "Country"],
filter: [["Category", "in", ["Furniture", "Technology"]]],

See the View API documentation for more details.

Group By

A group by groups the dataset by the unique values of each column used as a group by - a close analogue in SQL to the GROUP BY statement. The underlying dataset is aggregated to show the values belonging to each group, and a total row is calculated for each group, showing the currently selected aggregated value (e.g. sum) of the column. Group by are useful for hierarchies, categorizing data and attributing values, i.e. showing the number of units sold based on State and City. In Perspective, group by are represented as an array of string column names to pivot, are applied in the order provided; For example, a group by of ["State", "City", "Postal Code"] shows the values for each Postal Code, which are grouped by City, which are in turn grouped by State.

const view = await table.view({ group_by: ["a", "c"] });


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
group_by: ["State", "City"],

Split By

A split by splits the dataset by the unique values of each column used as a split by. The underlying dataset is not aggregated, and a new column is created for each unique value of the split by. Each newly created column contains the parts of the dataset that correspond to the column header, i.e. a View that has ["State"] as its split by will have a new column for each state. In Perspective, Split By are represented as an array of string column names to pivot:

const view = await table.view({ split_by: ["a", "c"] });


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
group_by: ["Category"],
split_by: ["Region"],
columns: ["Sales", "Profit"],


Aggregates perform a calculation over an entire column, and are displayed when one or more Group By are applied to the View. Aggregates can be specified by the user, or Perspective will use the following sensible default aggregates based on column type:

  • "sum" for integer and float columns
  • "count" for all other columns

Perspective provides a selection of aggregate functions that can be applied to columns in the View constructor using a dictionary of column name to aggregate function name:

const view = await table.view({
aggregates: {
a: "avg",
b: "distinct count",


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
aggregates: {"Sales": "avg", "Profit", "median"},
group_by: ["State", "City"],
columns: ["Sales", "Profit"]


The columns property specifies which columns should be included in the View's output. This allows users to show or hide a specific subset of columns, as well as control the order in which columns appear to the user. This is represented in Perspective as an array of string column names:

const view = await table.view({
columns: ["a"],


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
columns: ["Sales", "Profit", "Segment"],


The sort property specifies columns on which the query should be sorted, analogous to ORDER BY in SQL. A column can be sorted regardless of its data type, and sorts can be applied in ascending or descending order. Perspective represents sort as an array of arrays, with the values of each inner array being a string column name and a string sort direction. When column-pivots are applied, the additional sort directions "col asc" and "col desc" will determine the order of pivot columns groups.

const view = await table.view({
sort: [["a", "asc"]],


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
sort: [["Sales", "desc"]],
columns: ["Sales", "Profit"],


The filter property specifies columns on which the query can be filtered, returning rows that pass the specified filter condition. This is analogous to the WHERE clause in SQL. There is no limit on the number of columns where filter is applied, but the resulting dataset is one that passes all the filter conditions, i.e. the filters are joined with an AND condition.

Perspective represents filter as an array of arrays, with the values of each inner array being a string column name, a string filter operator, and a filter operand in the type of the column:

const view = await table.view({
filter: [["a", "<", 100]],


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
columns: ["State", "Sales", "Profit"],
filter: [["State", "==", "Texas"]],


The expressions property specifies new columns in Perspective that are created using existing column values or arbitary scalar values defined within the expression. In <perspective-viewer>, expressions are added using the "New Column" button in the side panel.

A custom name can be added to an expression by making the first line a comment:

const view = await table.view({
expressions: { '"a" + "b"': '"a" + "b"' },


const elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await elem.restore({
columns: ["new expression"],
expressions: {
"new expression": '"Sales" + "Profit" * 50 / sqrt("Sales")',

Flattening a view() into a table()

In Javascript, a table() can be constructed on a view() instance, which will return a new table() based on the view()'s dataset, and all future updates that affect the view() will be forwarded to the new table(). This is particularly useful for implementing a Client/Server Replicated design, by serializing the View to an arrow and setting up an on_update callback:

const worker1 = perspective.worker();
const table = await worker.table(data);
const view = await table.view({ filter: [["State", "==", "Texas"]] });
const table2 = await worker.table(view);

table.update([{ State: "Texas", City: "Austin" }]);